Thursday, May 17, 2007

Things that go Beep.

As I was filling my bathtub this morning and checking my email, something in the house started beeping. As I walked through the place, trying to locate the origin of the sound, I ran the list of possibilities through my mind:

  • The fridge that beeps if you leave it ajar
  • The microwave/convection/oven/toaster that beeps when it's done
  • The rice-cooker that beeps when it's done
  • The washer-dryer that beeps when it's done
  • The kids' alarm clock that they may have improperly set
  • An alarm clock that Jeff left behind and set (improperly) for the middle of the night for a US eastcoast teleconference
  • A car backing up outside
  • The smoke detector that goes off for steam
  • One of the many electronic devices laying around (GameBoys, computers, MushKing Tomagatchi, etc.)
But it was none of those things. It was the hot-water-controlling panel in the kitchen. The bathtub was overflowing and the hot water had overloaded again, but this happens all the time. It's OK if the tub overflows, since the whole room is a shower. The flashing error message and hot-water dysfunction is something I've learned to live with (though I have complained to the manager a few times and they are aware of it). I don't know why it was beeping and I don't know why it was the kitchen panel and not the bathroom panel (they are connected). I will never understand the damned thing. I know I can control the water temperature. Sometimes. When it doesn't freak out and stop heating the water. I also know I can heat up the water once I have filled it with cold water when it does freak out. Which is most of the time. But there are like 8 buttons on the thing that I think could be really cool if there was a manual and I could read kanji. Like automatic shut-off when it's full. Some sort of auto-fill on a timer. Things that would enable me to walk away and do other things instead of coming back to check on it every five minutes so I can turn the hot water back on when it shuts off and blinks "E06" at me.


However, the accidental configuration of my breakfast on the plate this morning did make me smile.

And for those of you who think Japan is expensive, I say Nonsense! You can get a whole box of cherries for a mere (approximately) $56 US!

I've read about people who will buy a box of perfect cherries or strawberries as a gift for someone and then eat cheap noodles all week to compensate for the expenditure. I guess it's no weirder than buying a dozen long-stemmed roses that are going to be dead in under a week. At least you can eat the fruit, right? And just for fun, how about a $20 watermelon?

We eat lots of bananas. Sigh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hons,
a few moments to drivel on and on about fruit I know some, I eat some, and don't forget, tomatos cry when u bite them so eat them whole to scream down your passages as u delight in the yumyum lotsa fruit...does that make yous want to come visit me.... need a broke and busy...just tryin to get to where i was such a chase..anorchestral mismanouver in the dark...its always a dark and stormy night i dont know how to explicate the diversity of event, i am living in...a mix of fighting the world, loving it, feeling sorry for our negative attitude towards reality...stop making sense and sit in frontofthetvandblindyerself withconsumptionfedviacutetvshowsandcsiand then jump out cause y can cause it wont stopor slow down for anyone keep going keep away from bridges dont stop having fun a large object may careen twards u groceries flying and last toughts of doh, i really wanted spagetti tonite staring frozen into headlights heaven or heaven itsyerchoice....5:30 comestwiceaday

12:20 AM  

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