Busy weekend

We also had sansai - mountain vegetable. Little mushrooms, and, I think, young ferns.

Friday was another Buzz Attitude party at Club Lizard. This band called 13 O'clock played, and were hilarious. Gothabilly to the extreme! Bands are really into audience participation here - these guys tossed out little dolls made to look like the band members. Somebody took a lot of time on them. M and D got a bunch, too. They are becoming the Club Lizard mascots. Every time we take them to a show, people give them toys and candy and carry them around the club on their backs. I'm glad, because it keeps them from getting bored and dreading yet another night out with mom & dad.

Saturday, Jeff's work buddy Mike came into town, and we showed him Tokyo. Shibuya was first, which everyone needs to see. It's like Blade Runner, all giant TV screens on the buildings and seas of Japanese in their Sunday fashions. I did a little shopping. Cool socks and shades. Cute socks are very popular here.
After, we went to Hibiya Park. It's this huge, gorgeous park in the city, across from the Imperial Palace. I'm planning on doing some painting there.

This is a lucky cat! The calico is considered the smartest cat, and lucky, so this is the cat represented in the maneki neko statue you see in a lot of stores.
This stone was once currency! No kidding, and not that long ago.

Near there was what Jeff described as 'the coolest water fountain collection ever.' He was right.
The kids had a blast running around here.

The last place we went on Sunday was Akihabara. This is a neighborhood world-famous for it's electronics stores. Acres of stereos, TVs, computer, iPods, and all the accroutrements. Since I was a good girl (i.e., I got out of bed and walked all over Tokyo after a late night with Helen at the Blue Corn after the Club Lizard show), I got an iPod dock with speakers, so I can listen to music while I paint in the office/studio/guestroom upstairs. Need to think of a better catch-all name for that room. M and D liked all the video cameras and their monitors; they got to see themselves on a dozen screens at once. They were bouncing up and down and making faces at themselves.
The kids found this machine. They rush these things bcause they usually have Pokemon or Gundam toys in them. M started howling 'Inappropriate!'

When we got home, Macky showed up with a DVD of the footage he shot when he was in Seattle. Strangely, Seattle already looked weird to me. The streets were too big, the people were too big, people drive in the wrong side, and my house was too cluttered. I haven't been gone that long, but it actually looked foreign. I did see a bunch of my friends in the BBQ footage, and that made me smile. I miss you guys!
Later, we called Mom & Dad Davis on Skype. Free internet phone calls! They could even see video of us - tho they haven't figured out the video on their end yet. I want everyone to get Skype, so we can all sit around and chat for hours like we did in Seattle. The times'll be off, like one half of us will have to drink in the morning, but hey? whatever. M and D had the same reaction to Skype that they did to the screens in Akihabara. We had to send them to bed before they exploded with spaz.
This next weekend, we are going to a swap meet where we hope to find the last bits of needed furniture (coffee table, nightstands, etc.). Then we are going to the Circus! I've never been to a real, live tent circus before. Figures I have to wait til I'm 35 and move all the way to Japan to see the circus, but there's that late-bloomer thing again.